Understanding Fashion Rental Service Subscriber

Kedi Zhang


Rental fashion is emerging these year as a part of shared economy. This data visualization focus on comparing the user groups of two major player in US market: Renttherunway and Letote. The former brand provides rental of high-end dresses for special occasions, when the latter focus on daily casual dress. So far the visualization


About the Dataset

The data is scraped from Instagram since official API doesn't support location information of where the photo post is taken. When instagram user post each photo, they can add many tags to make the post more searchable, so I scrape the basic information (user name, location is any, post time, etc) of all the photo which has been attached with a "Letote" tag and "Renttherunway" tag. As the screenshot shown below, the user "thejessie_grace" has tagged "Letote" in her post at Chicago Riverwalk.




Question: Is all the user cases inside US?

It's interesting to find that there are quite a large proportion of users actully use this service outsides US or wear those clothes to travel. We are not able to conclude whether they're overseas service subscriber or domestic users who wear the clothes during their travel. We didn't notice this part of people untill the graphic showed us. Therefore, it helped a lot to modify our wishlist of research plan and focus.

Question: Does renttherunway dominate across US?

North, East Area and New York City

California and Downtown San Francisco

Renttherunway was launched in 2009 with 505 employee currently. On contrast, Letote is established in 2012 with a group of employee arounf 150. Letote is still under Series C funding, so there is gap between the volumn of two companies. The plots above clearly shows the dominance of RentTheRunway in east costal area. However, in the bay area where Letote was launched, ladies are open to both brands and many of them are subscribing both services (shown in orange dots).

Renttherunway user tends to disclose/show off their location

Not all user post the location of their photo, and here is an overview of data I obtained:

This is understandable because the clothes from Renttherunway are mainly high-end and worn in special situation when the clothes of Letote is mainly worn as daily casual.


Several patterns about fashion rental service subscribers are lised below. However, I still find the information extracted so far are limited, further works are definetly needed.

There will be more findings as my digital ethnography continues and the data analysis will definetly give insights and help our qualitative research works. Other social media platforms and forums like Facebook, Reddit and Yelp could be data resources for next steps of analysis.